Long gone are the days when little attention was paid to the repair of corridors or hallways. Now everyone understands that the first impression of the apartment and, consequently, of its owners is formed by the appearance of the hallway of the house you found on the website http://myhousewithme.com/.
Nowadays the modern market of construction and finishing materials is so diverse that vestibules are repaired and decorated no worse than the rest of the rooms in the apartment. Varying options for decorating the walls of hallways are diverse and choosing a suitable first time is not always possible.
The word combination “finishing hallways” is often associated with a spacious and large hallway, where there is room to turn around designers and builders-finishers. But it is in a small area competent zoning and use of color and texture materials becomes especially valuable.
Many of us live in so-called Khrushchev houses with long and narrow hallways, and there’s not much you can do here. But unites any hallway the main requirement: the finish of the walls should be practical, that is easy to care for and resistant to mechanical damage and changes in temperature and humidity.
The walls in the hallway are much more exposed: someone will lean on it, something will scratch the surface and dirty it, such as a wet umbrella after a rain, pets after a walk shake … Then any owner will think about how to finish the walls in the hallway, so it was practical and looked presentable, because some people don’t even go further into the apartment and form an opinion about the owners of the state of the corridor. Let’s list all the possible options for finishing walls in the hallway, which meet the necessary requirements.
Glass wallpaper
An important and weighty argument in favor of sticking glass wallpaper in the hallway – it is a democratic cost. This is the most economical option for finishing walls. Such wallpaper involves further painting, and for this it is advisable to choose a very durable latex paint, after painting which the surface in the future can be washed. Repainting the textured glass wallpaper can be done many times, it is easy. If desired, you can use a shaped stencil or roller with patterns.
Environmental friendliness and safety for people and pets are legends. In addition, wallpaper for painting firmly endure scratches from animal claws and other mechanical damage, and is the most fireproof finishing material.
Finishing the walls of the hallway wallpaper
The finishing materials market offers a huge variety of all kinds of wallpaper, but the vinyl wallpaper is perfect for finishing the hallway. They are as durable as other popular materials for finishing hallways and are easy to clean. Currently, vinyl wallpaper is sold on paper and fleece base, and the front side is made of foam vinyl.
Hanging vinyl wallpaper can partially hide small irregularities of the wall due to the texture pattern. If you choose the right pattern of vinyl wallpaper, you can visually increase the area of a small hallway.
Very well suited propylene wallpaper two-layer or three-layer, otherwise duplex or triplex. You can also glue vinyl wallpaper with silk screen printing, they are even stronger due to the addition of silk threads in the foam vinyl. Option with gluing vinyl silk-screen wallpaper more expensive, the cost of repairing the hallway with the finishing will be higher, but the room will look luxurious and expensive.
Liquid wallpaper
A very popular option for finishing hallways in spite of its relative costliness. However, now the construction market is so diverse that it allows you to choose a not very expensive option. The main advantage of such finishing is the absence of the need for work on the preparation and alignment of the surface. The liquid wallpaper itself perfectly level an uneven surface, and to extend the life of the wallpaper is possible if after applying the liquid wallpaper on the wall to cover them with varnish.
Wall panels
Finishing the walls of the corridor with wall panels is another common option for finishing hallway walls. An important advantage of this finish is considered easy installation and no need to prepare and level the walls beforehand. Professional installation of panels is not difficult and allows you to mount them not only in the hallway, but also in the bathroom, and the cost of a specialist is very affordable.
Wall panels can be plastic and MDF. PVC panels are not afraid of moisture and can be subjected to wet cleaning countless times, are not afraid of mechanical damage, eliminating purposeful damage with sharp objects. MDF panels in the hallway will look more noble, are made of natural wood and are more environmentally friendly. But the choice of colors will not be as rich as in the case of plastic panels.
Decorative plaster
Many people decorate the walls of the hallway with decorative plaster, and this also makes sense. Decorative plaster not only meets all the necessary requirements for the walls in the hallway of the apartment, but is also able to create a natural atmosphere. You can use on the walls of a three-dimensional ornament in different styles, and the decorative plaster itself is a type of fur coat, bark, lamb or plaster paint. Kind depends on the application tool and the size of the grain of the construction compound. To finish the corridor with decorative plaster requires a perfectly smooth wall surface, which is achieved by plastering and puttying several times.
Microcement is considered a new type of decorative plaster and can be easily applied and adhere well to all surfaces. Microcement consists of a mixture of cement and polymers with the addition of coloring pigments and is the strongest finishing material, which is not affected by any mechanical damage. It is cheaper than decorative plaster and also allows you to create luxurious textured surfaces with natural muted tones.
Finishing with stone
Flexible stone has recently appeared on the finishing materials market and is a flexible wallpaper or board that bends very well. With the help of flexible stone can easily finish not only the walls in the hallway, but also places with curvilinear planes, such as arches or columns.
This material is very durable, looks like a natural stone and is suitable for finishing not only the interior of the apartment, but also the facades of buildings.
Also very popular vestibule decoration is artificial stone, which acts as a composite material based on gypsum. Artificial stone is completely environmentally friendly and perfectly imitates the texture of natural marble, granite or other expensive materials. It is an expensive enough artificial finishing stone, with its help to decorate not the entire surface of the walls in the hallway, but only places with a higher susceptibility to damage. But it looks even more beautiful!